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School Site Council

Purpose of the School Site council

The Piner High School Site Council, comprised of elected representatives of all stakeholder groups, annually reviews, updates, modifies and approves the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and the school based budget to reflect the changing needs and priorities as they arise in our school community.  The council includes representatives from the parent and ELAC community, students, 3 classroom teachers, and other school staff, each elected for a 2-year term by their peers.    This council works in collaboration with other school organizations and district representatives to write and evaluate goals to build our School Plan for Student Achievement.  

How do we build our SPSA?

Members of our Site Council meet monthly to set goals, review and evaluate data, and collaboratively build a plan that guides our focus on school improvement.  This SPSA, aligned with the district Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) helps guide a process for budgeting both funding from our Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and federal monies such as Title 1 to support all learners at Piner High.

How Can I get involved?

Are you interested in joining Site Council?  Please reach out to site administration to learn when our next election will be held.  Our monthly meetings are open to the public, and provide an opportunity to provide public comment.  Our schedule of meetings are posted on this website and in the lobby of the high school.  During remote instruction due to Covid-19, our meetings are held remotely on Zoom. Please contact the school administration through the directory on this website to receive an invitation to the meetings.