Course Selection
All students will receive a grade level scheduling presentation at the beginning of January. Information will be presented on graduation requirements, core class options and elective options. During this presentation, students will receive their scheduling forms. Students are advised to discuss class options and scheduling with their parents, have their parents sign the form and be ready for a check in with their counselor in the coming weeks. Counselors will meet with every student INDIVIDUALLY and review the students course selections for the following year, review their school transcript and discuss credit recovery if needed.
Scheduling Policy
Except for the following reasons, students will not be allowed to make schedule changes after selecting classes this spring: 1) you are a senior and need a specific class to meet graduation requirements. 2) Took class and got credit for it over summer or something similar and now need a replacement. 3) If you are a student who has less than 6 classes or as part of ECM has less than 4 or 5 classes. 4) If you are a student placed in the incorrect academic course, i.e. History, Science, Math, English (this does not include electives or teacher shopping) 5) If you are a Special Education student and your schedule does not meet the needs of your current IEP. 6) Request for an Honors/ AP Course. 7) Special Circumstances approved by Administrator. |
Students are advised at the time of registration that their program should be carefully planned. Due to enrollment and other concerns, it is difficult to change a student's schedule. However, necessary changes need to be made occasionally and will be considered. Changes will be made utilizing the following procedure:
• Schedule changes will be made for academic reasons only.
• Counselors may make student program changes during the first three weeks of the first semester and the first two weeks of the second semester. Because of the confidential nature of parent/student/counseling relationships, some class changes may be made on counselor judgment.
• A meeting with the student, parent, counselor, vice-principal and teacher of the class will be held to insure the change should take place.
• The last date to change a class for credit is the end of the third week of the fall semester, and the second week of the spring semester. The student must have approval of the teacher and arrange to make up for missed work.
• The last date to drop a class without a "withdrawal F" (WF) on the student's record shall be the end of the sixth week of the semester.
• A student who withdraws from a class after the third week of the fall semester or second week of the spring semester may not add another class except one such as teacher assistant or inside work experience. After the end of the sixth week, no class may be added.
• Academic level changes in the same general subject or department may be made at any time with agreement by both teachers involved.
• Other exceptions may be made only by the principal and/or his/her designee. When making these exceptions, the principal or designee should make an attempt to communicate the rationale for those exceptions to the teachers of courses that are changed. This communication should take place for any exception made after the third week of the semester.
• A physician and/or the school nurse may order a physical education medical excuse for a student which may result in class changes.
• When a program change affects the students' preparation for college, the parent shall be so notified.
Guide to Class Levels
(P): Classes that are designated P, prepare students for entrance into a 4 year college immediately after high school. (HP): Classes designated HP are Honors level advanced classes that prepare students for a 4 year college and require a great deal more work than P designated classes. Newcomer ENG: These are classes for students who have been in the United States school system for a year or less, learning to SPEAK english. Level 2 (SAI): These classes are for students in RSP/Special Education classes. Level 3 (SAI): These classes are for students in SDC/Special Education classes. |